Give Me A Break Rules


Here are some basic pointers for how to make the best of the communal space we all use as our little escape hatch from the daily work routine.  We have all been guilty at one time or another of breaking the break room rules.  Do some of these sound familiar?

  1. Don’t leave a mess for others to clean up. If you took the last doughnut, then throw the box out.  You get the picture.
  2. Find something else to talk about other than work. This is your chance to get away from work so don’t mess that up by talking about it.
  3. Fill it up when empty. Yes, this one is hard, but if you took the last bit of coffee, you need to make another pot.  You can learn, it’s rocket fuel not rocket science.
  4. Wait your turn. You know when it is going to get crowded in the break room so be prepared to get in line to use the microwave.  Why not change up your schedule a bit to avoid lunchtime jam ups?
  5. The fridge is for short term parking only. Let’s not use the break room refrigerator as a backup to the one at home.  Keep your food storage to a minimum and don’t let it turn into a lab experiment.
  6. No gossip zone. Something about eating food can tend to loosen our tongues in ways we shouldn’t.  The message here is relax and turn on the coffee mill but not the rumor mill.
  7. Don’t take others food. If you think it’s ok to take someone elses soda or use their butter, then you would be wrong.  Always ask first and offer to replace what you use.
  8. Fish free not fish fry. No matter how much you love fish, or how healthy it is to eat it, the lingering aroma doesn’t make good office scents so be smart and eat something else.
  9. Don’t burn the popcorn. Nothing wakes up the sense of smell better than popcorn cooked right, but knowing when to stop popping is the key to keeping this joy from turning into a smoke filled horror.
  10. Get a piece. Take your share of the food being shared; no more and no less.

source: foodservicewarehouse

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