How to Help a Friend Find a Job

With the economy these days it can be tough to find a job for yourself. It’s pretty hard to be unemployed-but it’s harder to watch your friends suffer through unemployment. We all want the best for our friends, but of course you probably don’t have the option to just give your friend a job. However, here are some things you can do to help a friend find a job.

Step 1

Ask Around at Work. If you want to help a friend find a job, look around for job openings at your job. Ask a few of the supervisors, and do some networking to see if a position will open up soon. If nothing else, help a friend find a job by keeping their resume on file at your place of work-that way, if a job does open up, they will have a better chance of getting the job.

Step 2

Ask Friends and Family. If you want to help a friend find a job, always keep a lookout for job openings. Check bulletins at work, and ask your coworkers.  Talk to your friends and ask them if they know of anyone who’s hiring. Family members also work great for networking.  Make a list of names and numbers of contacts to help your friend find a job.

Step 3

Help with Resume and Cover Letter. You probably won’t be able to find a job for your friend right away, but while you’re looking, help your friend edit and revise their cover letter. If you want to help your friend find a job, a good resume and cover letter can go a long way. Make suggestions and help your friend build a strong resume. If you want to help a friend find a job, offer to edit your friend’s cover letter as well.

Step 4

Support your friend. When you find a job opening, be sure to contact your friend ASAP. Keep in contact with your friend, and give them pointers if they land an interview. If you want to help a friend find a job, be a good source of support. It can be tough dealing with unemployment, so be there to support your friend.

Step 5

Ask and send their resume. If you want to help a friend get a job, ask if you can do a little of the work for them. If you find a job opening available, ask if you can submit your friends resume. Ask for permission to give your friends resume to your family and friends.


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