Ten tips on dating a coworker

Mixing business with pleasure is a dangerous bet and office romances are risk-laden from the word go. Yet surveys reveal that 74 % of all office workers have dated a co-worker and an equally substantial number are interested to do so. It is easy for romance to bloom when you are thrown together for long […]

Top Ten Tips for Working With Other Cultures

As companies continue to grow internationally, more employees are finding themselves working with people from other countries and cultures that they are not familiar with. Don’t make the mistake in assuming there is no difference in the work environment. Our values and personalities develop largely from the values and belief systems of the cultures we […]

Job Trends – Making Yourself More Marketable in a Tough Economy

It is estimated that the majority of Americans know someone whose job has been affected by a tough economy, either a job loss or a job change. How we anticipate and respond to these types of unexpected and expected changes is often based on our feelings about the change. For some, the job change or […]

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