When is it time to go? Five make-or-break factors

If you’re sitting in your office bored, ticked off or feeling down you may be thinking it’s time to go. BUT, you’re not sure. You are rationalizing staying because there is one more great thing you can contribute or you feel obligated in some way. We all go through this kind of mental tug-of-war at […]

Is Your Employer Spying on You?

It’s a high tech world out there, and employers have more tools to keep their eyes on you than ever before. You might wonder why your company cares to listen into your phone conversations or check your email accounts – it’s not necessarily meant to make your life miserable. Most often, a company is just […]

Salary Negotiation is a Sticky Subject

After you have received the job offer you might feel that the package needs improving in order for you to accept the position. So what could you do to improve the situation? Wherever possible, don’t try to negotiate immediately after an offer. Make sure you ask for the offer to be put in writing and […]

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