Job Hunting in Today’s Erratic Economy by expert Robert Bertino

It is no surprise many people are experiencing difficult times in this economy. If you are in the current job pool seeking employment you probably have noticed that it is an employer’s market. What do I mean? Well, with unemployment rising the number of job seekers out there are increasing. There are job openings, but companies can be selective, and depending on the need, they can take their time in finding the best-fit candidate.

So what can you do? Here are some tips and suggestions in finding employment:

1. First, make sure your resume is up-to-date, and clearly outlines your skills and experience. (Getting some professional assistance in crafting a well-written resume may not be such a bad idea)

2. Be proactive by generating a list of companies. Go to their website and see if they have posted job openings. Not all companies post on job boards. If there are specific companies you are targeting you may want to contact their HR department or hiring authority, depending on the size of the organization, and contact directly. This can take some time and practice. I know people who’ve taken this assertive approach and landed a job.

3. Create a blog to market yourself or find and participate in other people’s blog.

4. If you are in the IT (Information Technology) field you can search online, and attend local user groups. I know personally, there are several local user groups for various skill sets like .NET developers, Java developers, Oracle, and graphics/multimedia to name a few.

5. Network, market yourself. Join one or two social networking sites. As a recruiter, I like LinkedIn.

6. Organize and keep track of where you have posted your resume, and also what companies you’ve applied to. Create a spreadsheet and basic info of company name, position, contact or any other useful info.

7. In addition to the previous tip, I would take an extra step and for any contact names and info you have gathered, I would follow up by calling the person listed in the job description. This could show initiative and set yourself above the competition.

8. Contact a recruiter, especially if they specialize in your field or industry.

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